
Did you know ECV offers telemedicine/telehealth? We understand that your schedule can be busy and our Minnesota weather can make travel difficult; we offer telehealth appointments for your convenience.

Telehealth appointments are great for the following:

  • New prescription requests
  • Behavior appointment
  • Diet & nutritional consults
  • Monitoring of ongoing health conditions (i.e., diabetes, heart failure, thyroid disease)
  • Sick pet exams (i.e., skin, gastrointestinal, urinary, respiratory, and joint/muscle conditions)
  • Chronic care
  • Palliative care
  • Hospice care

During a telemedicine visit, you will have face-to-face time with one of our veterinarians where we discuss your pet’s concerns. They will also be able to visually see and/or hear what is going on with your pet. Your veterinarian will then discuss a treatment plan. If there are prescriptions, they can either be filled at our clinic, our online pharmacy, or you can pick up a written prescription at our clinic to be filled at an outside pharmacy. If the condition is more serious, your veterinarian may recommend an in-clinic

*You can schedule a telemedicine appointment through our website or by calling us.

*We need to have seen your pet in person for a physical exam with a veterinarian to be able to schedule telemedicine appointments. If you have any other questions regarding telemedicine visits, please give us a call.

Household Safety Tips for New Kitten Parents

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Safe Treats: Can My Dog Have “People” Food?

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How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

If you notice that your dog has smelly ears or is shaking his head, it could be a symptom of an ear infection. You can help keep your dog’s ears clean and prevent infection with just a few basic materials and an understanding of the unique shape of a dog’s ear canal. Read this article.