Cytopoint, Librela, or Solensia

Are any of your pets receiving these monthly injections? If your answer is yes, we would like to let you know that for your convenience you can now schedule these injections with a technician through our online scheduling platform

Annual Preventative Visits and Forward Booking

Is your pet(s) due for their annual preventative visit? If so, please be aware that we are booking approximately 3 months out. You can call, text, email, or schedule online.

If you’d like to keep your pet(s) up to date with vaccines, medications, or preventatives, we can schedule your annual preventative visit in advance. You can book by phone, text, email, in-clinic, or through our online scheduling platform.

We understand that plans can change, and you might not be sure about your schedule a year in advance. As your visit approaches, we’ll send reminders, and if the date or time no longer works, we can reschedule by phone, text, email, in-clinic, or online.

Eight Tips for Keeping Your Dog Free From Tick-Borne Diseases

Ticks are more than just annoying; they can spread serious and potentially life-threatening diseases. Ticks that embed in the skin can transmit a range of infectious diseases. Prevention is key to protecting your dog from tick-borne illnesses. Here are eight tried-and-true tips to help keep your dog safe:

Tips for Getting Your Cat to the Vet

There are more cats than dogs in American homes, but the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reports that cats visit the veterinarian less often than dogs. To make the visit more pleasant for both you and your feline friend, here are a few tips:

Pets Eat the Darnedest Things

Your family vet likely has many incredible stories about unusual items found in patients’ stomachs and intestines. Vets often share these wild stories with each other. To prevent your pet from needing an emergency trip to the animal hospital, consider the following suggestions: