We understand that your schedule can be busy and our Minnesota weather can make travel difficult; we offer telehealth appointments for your convenience.
Telehealth, also known as virtual care, is simply talking to your pet’s medical team through a video call. Telehealth has been a part of human healthcare for years, and now the virtual care movement is in full swing in the veterinary profession.
During the telemedicine appointment, you and your veterinarian will discuss your reason for scheduling the appointment and go over any questions/concerns you may have. Ideally, telemedicine appointments are done through a video call so your doctor will be able to view and observe your pet for a better understanding of your pet’s health. Telemedicine is an excellent extension of hospital capabilities which we are excited to offer to our pet parents in need. Please note not every type of appointment is eligible to be handled via telemedicine. If your pet is experiencing an emergency, please call us to schedule an in-person exam.
Telehealth appointments are great for:
- New prescription requests
- Behavior appointments
- Diet & nutritional consults
- Monitoring of ongoing health conditions (e.g. diabetes, heart failure, thyroid disease)
- Sick pet exams (e.g. skin, gastrointestinal, urinary, respiratory, and joint/muscle conditions)
- Chronic care
- Palliative Care
- Hospice Care
You can schedule a telemedicine appointment through our website or by calling us. We need to have seen your pet in person for a physical exam with a veterinarian to be able to schedule telemedicine appointments.